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  • Writer's pictureMarcus Dashoff

3/14 - Exec Board Update - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updated: Mar 16, 2020

Dear RESPA Member:

Many of you have reached out to your Executive Board asking questions and voicing concerns about both RESPA’s and the District’s response to the COVID-19 (“coronavirus”) pandemic. We want you to know we hear you and share your concerns.

Currently, these are the actions RESPA has taken:

Today RESPA Leadership initiated discussions with RUSD on the following:

o Members who are scheduled to work during times of District closure would continue to be paid without utilizing any leaves, such sick or vacation.

o The decision to self-quarantine would apply to all members, but especially those who have a higher risk of serious illness from coronavirus due to age, a serious long-term health diagnosis, and/or the risk of third party exposure to others whom the member may be the primary care giver for. Qualified members who self-quarantine during District closure would continue to be paid without utilizing any leaves, such sick or vacation.

o Addressing basic assurances of compliance with all guidelines outlined by the CDC and Cal-OSHA regarding sanitation of facilities and providing safe workplace conditions regarding the COVID-19 virus.

· The Executive Board met today to discuss the situation, and among other things, approved this motion:

“It is moved, seconded and unanimously approved that the RESPA Negotiating Committee has the authority to any bargaining response needed in regard to the COVID-19 (“Coronavirus”).

· In the event the District does not respond in a manner that RESPA believes is in the best interest of our members and in the timeline specified, the Negotiations Committee has complete authority to demand to bargain.

· RESPA Leadership is meeting with the Superintendent and staff later today to discuss our concerns.

Next steps:

· If you are a member who is scheduled to report to work next week please do so using your best judgement.

· If you feel reporting to work would compromise your health, or someone’s health you are responsible for, please consider initially utilizing your sick and/or vacation time until RESPA and RUSD come to an agreement regarding Administrative Leave.

· We cannot tell you not to report to your work site, but it is important that you use CDC guidelines about self-quarantine and social distancing.

· We are especially concerned about Custodial Staff and other eleven & twelve month staff and your protection. Please know that you are in the forefront of our plans and, as per our contract, you cannot be asked to perform duties that are unsafe and/or illegal. Please be patient as we ascertain next steps.

Transportation Members: We understand that there are some trips scheduled for the next two weeks that you are unsure if they have been cancelled or not. We want you to know that your RESPA Director is in direct communication with both Sam Anderson and J.J. Fotia and he will be communicating with you no later than 11AM Monday, 3/16/20 regarding status of those trip assignments. Please be patient.

· If you are among our members who have a higher risk of serious illness from coronavirus due to age, a serious long-term health diagnosis, and/or the risk of third party exposure to others whom the member may be the primary care giver for please reach out to your physician now via email or phone and ask them to provide you with a letter so indicating. This documentation may be required to utilize Administrative Leave status for your absences.

The Executive Board is both willing, able and ready to be available to members and the District both immediately and throughout the following days. We are here for you and want you to know we take your concerns seriously. This is a very fast moving and changing situation so please bear with us while we work through it. We will keep you updated.

You can be assured that your Executive Board will continue to work throughout the next days to best represent you and the greater community during this challenging time. Now, more than ever, we are a family.

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