Dear Redlands Unified School District Families, Staff, and Community Members:
This letter is a follow up to the communications the District previously sent on February 10, 28 and March 10 and 12.
“With much consideration, the Board unanimously decided that closing schools was in the best interest of our students, staff and teachers at this time,” said Board President Patty Holohan.
“We have been and will continue to monitor this situation on a daily basis and will continue to make decisions in order to protect the health and safety of our students, our staff and our broader community,” said Superintendent Mauricio Arellano.
As of March 13, according to the San Bernardino County Department of Public Health – there are no known cases of Novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in San Bernardino County.
During closed session, the Board of Education unanimously took action to close all schools within the Redlands Unified School District effective March 30 – April 3. There are no classes scheduled from Monday, March 16 – April 3 (this includes Spring Break). Students will return Monday,April 6.
There will be no change to employee work schedules. Employees will continue to report to work as regularly scheduled beginning March 16.
As we have previously stated, this is a very fluid situation and can change at a moment’s notice. Please ensure your contact information is up to date to receive timely notifications via AERIES Communications.
For more news and information on New Coronavirus 2019 please visit our website at: