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  • Writer's pictureMarcus Dashoff

CTA Bargaining Advisory - Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Updated: Mar 14, 2020

Good Afternoon,

CTA's legal department sent the attachment regarding the Coronavirus, due to safety concerns and employees' rights.

Please read the document, especially the information on page 4 that includes comments about what school districts need to be doing regarding this matter.

The RTA president and I are part of the district's committee recently assembled last week to address concerns encompassing Coronavirus. The team is meeting weekly to get updates, discuss the “what ifs,” and the possibilities of any potential scenario.

Furthermore, to bring concerns that could affect employees.

Updates are being sent to all employees by the district. Please share and post with all members, especially with those who do not have access to e-mail or a computer.

Please visit the District’s website, which will be updated frequently for all employees to view as well as the community.



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